Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Welcome to Waltrip's World!

Hello everyone,

I've decided to create a family blog, a place where family and friends can visit to learn about the latest highlights of our lives, along with a smattering of photos and periodic musings. I may be inspired to make daily entries, so check back often! Just bookmark this link, and give it a click whenever curiosity strikes.

Isn't it amazing how the Digital Age has changed our lives? I can remember a time when a few brief words scrawled in a Christmas card - or an (expensive) wired telephone call - were about the only ways there were to find out about anyone who didn't live nearby. Now, with the click of a mouse, we can send mail across the country or across the world, share photographs and home movies with just about anyone anywhere, and enjoy virtual "front-porch visits" by visiting a family's blog. So, don't be a stranger.......stop on by for a visit.....often.


Blog Stalker said...

Welcome to the blogging world Randy! Come by and take a look and see some links to some other interesting blogs. It certainly is a wide wide world of bloggers!

Congrats on your new blog

Anonymous said...
