Thursday, August 28, 2008

Wendy Loves Her Gymnastics Class

It's a hot, steamy morning here in Murray, Kentucky - 75 degrees at 8 a.m., with 92% humidity. Prelude to a hot, steamy day.
Well, I wanted to report that Wendy's first gymnastics experience was a good one. She received instruction on the balance beam and the uneven bars, and especially enjoyed capering about on the beam and chalking her hands - imaging she was in the Olympics, no doubt! Happily, the wrist she had injured a week ago roller skating didn't bother her. Though there were only three in her class, the room was chock full of leaping, tumbling girls, for the competitive cheer team was practicing at the same time. I liked the fact that the facility has special bleacher seats that the parents can sit in and watch their children practice; her dance studio didn't want the parents watching at all.

At the end of her class, her instructor asked if this was Wendy's first time in a gym class. "Yes, it is", we answered. "Well, she's very strong", the instructor replied.
I shot a few photos, but because our little camera has a little flash - and because this gym is a large gym - their quality leaves much to be desired. Nonetheless, here's a sampling:

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