Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Simply Saunistic

The hot, steamy days continue here in western Kentucky....temperatures in the mid-90's with buckets of humidity. Two years ago, during my first summer here, I coined the term "saunistic" to describe these days. As hot and steamy as a sauna. The term still applies. I never knew how easy I had it - climatically speaking - growing up in southern California.

To beat the heat I've been going out for runs at dawn, when the temperature is about 75 degrees, and the humidity is about 88 percent.

We're still seeing a few fireflies in our yard at night. Wendy calls them "fairyflies".

Sometimes, when I step outside at night and feel the touch of hot, humid air, I think of Pirates of the Caribbean. The ride, not the movie. I think of it because for many years that was my only experience with sultry, southern least until Sharon and I were marooned in Guyaquil, Ecuador for 6 days once, after I had fallen into an open manhole.

Last Sunday morning the family enjoyed a bike ride amidst the corn and soy fields:

Wendy decided to snack on a few of the soy beans along the way:

Notice she took along a little passenger, too:

And here's a bonus image:

That's it for now. Have a keen and adventurous day.

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