Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wildcats Beat The Boys

In our third game of the season last Saturday, the Wildcats came up against the Fireball Cobras, which is a boy's team. Yep, the girls against the boys. And, guess what? The girls won! It started poorly for us, with the Fireballs making two quick goals, and probably thinking they were going to have an easy go of it against us. But our defense tightened up, our girls stopped being too polite (backing off the ball and letting the boys bull their way into our end of the field), and Mallory scored two goals to bring us even with the Fireballs at the half, 2-2.

The Cats really showed their grit in the second half. With Wendy doing an outstanding job at goalie, stopping everything that came her way; with Linda playing a superb defender, neutralizing their top offensive threat, Bongo; with Mallory chipping a shot right over the head of their goalie for another score, and Blayne smacking two more balls into the net; with everyone playing their hearts out, we came away the winners, 5-2. I was certainly proud of the girls.

So, we're still undefeated, with 3 wins and no losses. Our next opponent Saturday will be The Heat. Check back to see how the Cats do.

I didn't have much chance for photography, but here's a few shots I managed to take (click on the photo to enlarge):

Sharon talks to the team in our last practice before the Big Game:

The teams prepare before the game:

Wendy chases down one of the Fireball Cobras:

Blayne takes off:

Ah, sweet victory:

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